Dances of Universal Peace

“If we eat, dance and pray together, the world will know peace.”
– Samuel Lewis

Welcome Friends

You’ve found your way to the beautiful, embodied interspiritual practices called Dances of Universal Peace that were introduced to the world in the 1960’s by a contemporary mystic named Samuel Lewis.  Today there are thousands of dances and dance circles around the globe using this practice for peace in our hearts, setting up a ripple for peace throughout the world.

We find sacredness holding hands in a circle, singing and moving harmoniously together.  Hearts opening, stepping into the various forms of prayer, we are singing and dancing a new world into existence!

All are welcome, no experience necessary.  Come alone or bring a friend.  Dances are easy to learn, not physically stressful, and are taught to the whole group each time.  Live music and singing!  Donations of $5 to $15 are requested to support expenses, but no one is turned away for lack of funds.

Samuel Lewis was a teacher in the stream of Universal Sufism that has come down from 13th century India to inspire people of the modern world.  More information about Universal Sufism and related subjects can be found here.

We hope to see you soon at a dance in Olympia!

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